The library uses an overdue fines system to ensure maximum availability of materials. Library charges are submitted to Business Affairs and posted directly to your OSU account. An invoice is mailed to you at the end of each month during which there is account activity.

Borrowing privileges will be temporarily suspended if library charges exceed $500 for OSU Students, faculty, and staff or $100 for non-OSU patrons until those charges have been paid or resolved.

Fines accrue when material is overdue, and amounts are calculated when material is returned. There is a three-day grace period for the general collection with full charges beginning on the fourth day (recalls, holds, Summit or interlibrary loan items do not have a grace period). A 1-day grace period is given for 1-day checkout and 2-day reserve items. A reminder notice is sent by email seven days after the due date. All patrons with materials six weeks overdue receive a bill for the replacement cost and a processing fee. If overdue material is returned within one year, all charges (except overdue fines) will be refunded.

Lost or Damaged Library Materials

The borrower is financially responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged library materials and/or equipment. Regardless of whether payment has been made for an item, library items remain the property of the university. Materials cannot be purchased from the library. Any person who has falsely claimed to have lost materials simply to retain possession can be charged for illegally possessing state property. If library books are damaged (especially by water), please return them immediately to Circulation so appropriate measures can be taken to salvage the item.

All items six weeks overdue are considered lost and your OSU account will be billed. The charges for lost books returned within one year of the billing date are automatically credited. It is your responsibility to complete an Appeal of Library Charges form (online or PDF) to request credit for items returned after one year.

The replacement cost of OSU books is $65, items from Summit libraries are $75 and at the time of billing a $15 processing fee is charged for each item to cover costs associated with buying and cataloging a new copy. Items from Interlibrary Loans are $100.

Lost items remain on your library record for one year. This allows an automatic credit if items are returned and usually will not affect your borrowing privileges.