Your place for news and information about what OSULP is up to.


Kelly McElroy, Library Journal 2017 Mover & Shaker.

Kelly was recently notified that she is a Library Journal 2017 Mover & Shaker.  This honor is the result of a national nomination process across all kinds of libraries, not just academic.  See Kelly’s profile here.

Congratulations Richard!  His poster presentation "Books Build the Bridge of Friendship” was accepted for IFLA’s  83rd World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in Wroclaw, Poland, to be held in August 2017.  Richard has been very involved in international librarianship.  He just published  a short article in International Leads, the newsletter of ALA’s IRRT, about the Horner Exchange (on p. 9).



The library climate survey is available for you to take a look at!  Check out the LAMP minutes where they discussed the results, or just check out the survey itself.

Dow Jones's is a premier business and general reference resource with a broad collection of sources that reach across disciplines from business and current events to communications and technology, politics, foreign policy, and more. A broad range of content provides both local insight and global perspective on every business issue. gives users the power to monitor current news, track industry developments and global market activity, and research a global company. ProQuest has provided a Guide on how to use, at

Help OSU win RECYCLEMANIA 2017.  There are only 2 weeks to go in the RecycleMania competition, and right now OSU is LOSING to U-O! OSULP staff help reverse this by making sure any recyclables in our office areas get into the bins that Campus Recycling empties every week. Here are some specific tasks: 

  • Right now!  Go empty your green recycle bin into the closest large recycling container (your green office bin is not emptied by campus recycling staff or campus custodial staff – it is your responsibility to transfer the contents). Make sure to sort if you mix materials in the green bin!
  • Get departmental materials slated for recycling into the closest large recycling container.
  • Check the campus recycling guide for other materials you can recycle on campus.




Clara Llebot Lorente will be returning at a part time status on Monday, 20 March 2017, for several weeks.  Stop by and wish her well!

Kaitlyn (with Hannah) created this very useful  guide to feature Corvallis area organizations and services.

Larry and Natalia, in their roles as members of the Building and Place Names Advisory Committee, participated in Monday evening's discussion meeting on the building renaming review process. Coverage in the GT.



There’s a webinar opportunity that we though you all might be interested in.  It’s titled “Confronting Misinformation: How Librarians Can Assist Patrons in the Digital Information Age” and is being hosted by the FDLP on March 27th. 



ETS LT3 – This position is on hold.

Acquisitions LT3 – This position is on hold.

Science Librarian – This position is pending review by HR before being posted.

Building Manager – The committee is conducting phone interviews this week.

Web Developer – The last of the phone interviews is scheduled for March 21st.

Resource Sharing/CM Unit Manager – The two candidates are scheduled for the 30th of March and 7th of April.



“I grew up in libraries, and I hope I've learned never to take them for granted. A thriving library is the heart of its community, providing access to information and educational opportunities, bringing people together, leveling the playing field, and archiving our history.”

— Josie Brown