Intermediate/Advanced EndNote

Learn more advanced features of EndNote including retrieving full-text articles via EndNote, using PDFs to create references, editing/adding citation styles and using references in document sections. We'll also explore EndNote's library sharing option.

Thu, 07/13/2017 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Basic EndNote Workshop

Love the writing but hate formatting those citations?  Wrapping up your thesis or dissertation this spring or summer?  Learn to use basic but powerful features of the reference management tool, EndNote.  In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn to setup an EndNote library, save references and pdfs, automatically create and edit a bibliography, and prepare a document for publishing.  This workshop is intended for novice EndNote users and is intentionally slow-paced and very interactive.

Thu, 07/13/2017 - 9:00am to 10:30am

How to Find and Use Dossier Metrics

Scholars may need a variety of metrics to show the impact of their work when they are seeking jobs, grants, tenure, or promotion. In this workshop the scholarly communication librarian will outline some common metrics (such as h-index, impact factor, and download counts) and where to find them. Current research on best practices for using metrics to evaluate scholarship will be shared. Participants will have the opportunity to find and download metrics that reflect their own work.

Wed, 07/26/2017 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Copyright and Fair Use in Education

US Copyright Law is complex, but understanding a few foundational concepts can help you protect your rights and accomplish your goals. This session will help you manage your own intellectual property while learning how to use  the works of others in a copyright compliant manner.

Wed, 07/19/2017 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Getting What You Want Out of ResearchGate

ResearchGate has the largest number of active users of any academic social network. Many researchers find it to be an easy way to share articles, CVs, and research interests. Yet ResearchGate is a for-profit platform that has been criticized for generating unsolicited emails, promoting inaccurate metrics, and facilitating widespread copyright infringement. This session will summarize recent research and data on the platform in order to allow you to choose the level of engagement that best fits your goals and values.

Wed, 07/12/2017 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Introduction to Git

This workshop is an introduction to version control systems with Git. Version control systems are tools that keep track of the changes made on a document, and help version and merge files. They allow the user to decide which changes make up the next version, and keep useful data about them. Version control systems are usually used by developers and people who write code, but are very useful also for people working with documents in general. It is especially helpful for collaborative work with more than one person working on the same file. This workshop is

Wed, 08/02/2017 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

Intro to LaTeX

LaTeX is a free high-quality typesetting system suitable for any form of publishing, but specially useful for technical or scientific documents. It is designed so that you won’t have to worry as much about the appearance of your document, and will be able to focus on getting the right content. We will talk about the basic structure of a document, the typesetting of complex mathematical formulas, inclusion of figures, and the generation of bibliographies with BibTeX.

Tue, 07/25/2017 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Advanced Qualtrics

Learn how to create more sophisticated surveys and data gathering strategies using Qualtrics. We will cover survey flow (branching), piping text, using panels to distribute a survey to a specific group of people, triggers and using  libraries to store and reuse questions and surveys. Requirement: Introduction to Qualtrics or significant experience.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Intro to Qualtrics - Making Great Surveys

If you are doing program/event assessment or research involving data gathering, then you'll want to learn about Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a powerful survey research tool available to all OSU faculty and students. It's easy, powerful and, best of all, IRB compliant. This session will be an introduction to Qualtrics and will provide you with a basic overview of Qualtrics’ tools including how to create a basic survey and the different survey question types. We will learn about skips and display logic. We will also cover some different options for

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
