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Apply now to attend OpenCon 2016 on November 12-14 in Washington, DC. Oregon State University Libraries and Press will sponsor one graduate student to attend this international conference on open access to information. Please fill out the form at https://secure.opencon2016.org/referral/oregonstate by August 31 to be considered for the OSU scholarship. And if you submit your application before July 11, you will also be considered for a general scholarship.
OpenCon seeks to bring together students and early career professionals from around the world who want to advance open access, open education and open data — regardless of their ability to pay for travel costs. In 2014 and 2015, the majority of students and early career academic professionals who participated did receive travel scholarships, which enabled attendees from 39 countries to be represented. If you are awarded the OSU scholarship, it will cover your round-trip flight, lodging during the conference, and registration cost (which includes most meals).
A program of keynotes, panels, workshops, hackathons, and meetings with policy makers will build participants’ skills in key areas, and many attendees consider OpenCon the best conference they’ve ever attended. Previous speakers have included Jimmy Wales (co-founder of Wikipedia) and Amy Rosenbaum (director of Legislative Affairs to the President of the United States). The most important criteria when applying is an interest in advancing open access, open education and open data and a commitment to taking action.
Rachael Kuintzle, OSU graduate research assistant and OpenCon 2015 scholarship recipient, had this to say about her OpenCon experience: “It was such an honor to be there among all the amazing movers and shakers in the open movement. I made some connections that I hope will last throughout my professional life, and I got fresh ideas for ways to make more of a difference. Even though I didn’t need to be convinced of the value of open science, I found myself to be challenged daily by the practices of other scientists and educators who are truly living out the open mission every day.”
If you have questions about the OpenCon scholarship offered by OSU Libraries and Press, email them to michaela.willihooper@oregonstate.edu.