Take a load off! The Valley Library has lockers throughout the building. On each floor, there are ADA compatible lockers with a shelf 15 inches off the floor.

Each of these accessible lockers use a wide grip key.

Visit the Borrowing and Information Desk on the main floor (2nd level) to obtain a locker key.

Loan Periods

All library users with a library card may borrow a locker key for 30 days. Lockers may be renewed only when availability allows.


  • The security of your belongings is not guaranteed, even if you place them in a locker. Please keep valuables with you.
  • Please leave the locker as clean as or cleaner than you found it. Damage charges will apply if necessary.
  • Please visit the Borrowing and Information Desk (main floor service desk) to check out library materials before placing them in a locker.
  • To ensure compliance with these policies, library staff will inspect lockers once a term. For this reason, please do not use personal locks

Borrowing and Information