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The Alsea Basin Bibliography focuses on the entire Alsea River Basin, from the mouth of the estuary to the foothills of the Coast Range. This enlarged coverage acknowledges the importance of the Alsea Watershed Study (1959-1974), an early and important long-term research project about the effects of logging on salmonid fisheries. The bibliography also includes works from a follow-up investigation, the Alsea Watershed Study Revisited (2008-2016). The Alsea Basin Bibliography attempts to identify research on the physical and biological aspects of the Alsea River and estuary, with an emphasis on fisheries and natural resources. The period covered extends from Theodore Talbot's trip through the region in 1849 up to the present date. We continue to add to the bibliography as items are found or brought to our attention. Please send us citations you believe should be included.
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To search text versions of the bibliography, click on the links below:
Alsea Basin Bibliography (sorted by date)
Alsea Basin Bibliography (sorted alphabetically by author)
Use the search box for title and keyword searches. To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Ex.: Salmon Creek picks up the many records that contain both words 'salmon' and 'creek.' Searching by "Salmon Creek" picks up only those records that contain the phrase 'Salmon Creek.' For other keyword searching, “Historical” is used instead of "history," in order not to confuse history references with life history information about organisms. “Archeology” is preferred over “archaeology.”
To search for authors, click on "Authors" or the left side of the page then scroll to the author's last name. You can also click on "Keywords" on the left and scroll to see the keywords used.
The bibliography may be used for non-commercial educational and research purposes. For other uses, please contact the Guin Library.