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Have you done research at the library for a paper or project? Oregon State University Libraries is pleased to announce the annual Library Undergraduate Research Awards. There are two $1,000 scholarships awarded each year: one to an upper division undergraduate in the humanities and the second award to an upper division undergraduate in the social sciences, sciences or engineering.
This award recognizes and rewards OSU undergraduates who, through comprehensive use of the OSU Libraries, demonstrate outstanding research, scholarship and originality in a research paper that they’ve written or a research project that they’ve completed. Individual or group projects are eligible.
So if you’ve used OSU Libraries to do research for a paper or project for a class at OSU in 2015, you’re eligible for the award. Applying is a simple process. The application deadline has been extended to February 14.
Learn how to submit your research paper or project at http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/awards/undergrad-research.