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Cara Key, LK Borland, Diana Park, Jane Nichols, and Clara Llebot Lorente have been granted the Lundeen Award to explore the data repository ecosystem and the role of OSU’s Institutional Repository, ScholarsArchive@OSU, within it. They’re interested in learning about the “factors that influence researchers’ decisions when choosing a data repository.”
The Robert Lundeen Library Faculty Development Award is an important gift to OSULP that has supported innovative and exemplary library faculty project work for many years. The Lundeen Award was established in 2003 by Bob Lundeen, former member of the Libraries’ Advisory Council, and it supports meaningful faculty development through the pursuit of scholarship or through professional capacity building. A committed supporter of his alma mater, Bob Lundeen was employed most of his career at Dow Chemical where he eventually became the chairman of the board. He also was the CEO and board chair of Tektronix. In addition to this award, Bob and his wife Betty established a number of scholarships to benefit Oregon State University students. When Mr. Lundeen passed away in late 2017, OSULP received an additional boost to the existing endowment which means we are able to extend the number and/or amounts of awards as appropriate.
OSULP faculty interested in applying for Lundeen funding may submit their proposals at any time. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Congratulations OSULP!
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