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A new website offers a wealth of information about natural resources and communities in Oregon. The Oregon Explorer website at oregonexplorer.info is a digital library that integrates and provides access to data and information from university archives, public agencies, and other sources to support informed decisions about Oregon’s natural resources.
“With this redesigned site, the Oregon Explorer now offers information for all places in Oregon. Our goal is to help people find the data that they need to make informed decisions about the places that we care about,” says Janine Salwasser, the program lead for Oregon Explorer.
Oregon Explorer helps users:
The Oregon Explorer was originally launched in 2007 and is co-managed by Oregon State University Libraries and Press and the Institute for Natural Resources.
The Institute for Natural Resources provides Oregonians with ready access to current and relevant science-based information, methods and tools for better understanding natural resource management challenges and developing solutions. The institute is located at both Oregon State University (headquarters) and Portland State University. More information about the institute is at oregonstate.edu/inr/.