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The Valley Library is situated in the heart of the OSU main campus and offers a variety of individual and collaborative study spaces carefully designed to meet the needs of students. When there's not a pandemic, the library is open 24/5 during fall, winter and spring terms and has reduced hours during summer term.
The Valley Library is consistently voted by students as the Best Place to Study on Campus. Study spaces can be found on all six floors, and group study rooms and research rooms are available for reservation. The sixth floor is designated as a quiet area and the first floor is designated as the silent area.
The Learning Commons includes large tables with comfy chairs, whiteboards and collaborative workstations equipped with monitors. Patrons can use one of 100+ computers (both Macs and Windows OS) to search research databases and journals, access email and the web, and use productivity software. The Student Multimedia Services desk provides multimedia support, equipment loans, and printing of posters and theses.
Scanners, printers and copiers are available throughout the building.
An Undergrad Research and Writing Studio is located on the second floor and offers assistance to students who are doing research and writing papers. For a current schedule of their drop-in hours and other info, go to their website.
The Graduate Student Commons area is located on the sixth floor and features a variety of spaces and services to support graduate students needs. These include computer workstations, a room for a small group to study together, a technology-enhanced classroom and more. For more info, contact grad.commons@oregonstate.edu or come by the graduate assistant office in room 6559.
In addition to books and course reserves, the circulation desk near the main entrance loans laptops, Kindles, lockers, iPads, headphones, monitor adaptors, calculators, phone chargers, whiteboard markers, board games, and much more. We provide a self-checkout machine for speedy service.
Our librarians are faculty members, and they teach. For info on upcoming workshops, see the news section of the OSU Libraries homepage.
Go to Ask a Librarian on the Libraries homepage, or come by the Info Desk or Circulation counter, and both of these are on the second floor near the main entrance.
Food and beverages are available in the spacious Java II coffee shop on the first floor. Take a break or refuel without leaving the library.
A notable collection of more than 140 pieces of contemporary Northwest artwork is on permanent display throughout the library, including works by past and current OSU art faculty members. Located throughout the Valley Library, the Northwest Art Collection includes paintings, sculptures, photographs, prints and other media. A brochure about the art collection has maps showing the location of every artwork, and this brochure is available in the publications rack near the main entrance and at the Info Desk on the second floor.
OSU Libraries and Press engages in multiple efforts that demonstrate our commitment to creating a more sustainable world. For example, the Valley Library provides bins for users and staff to sort out compostable and recyclable materials in order to reduce waste going to the landfill.
Parking for bicycles is available on the east and west sides of the building, and most of the bike racks on the west side are covered (because rain happens sometimes).
The Valley Library is the main branch location of OSU Libraries. The Valley Library houses many of the Libraries' departments, as well as Ecampus.
Other locations of OSU Libraries are in Newport at the Guin Library connected to the Hatfield Marine Science Center and the OSU-Cascades Campus Library in Bend.