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Design and deliver services for graduate students and work with departments in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Journal Articles
Rempel, H.G. 2022. “Building in Room to Fail: Learning through Play in an Undergraduate Course.” The Journal of Play in Adulthood 4 (2): 138–61. https://doi.org/10.5920/jpa.1020.
Llebot, C. and H.G. Rempel. 2021. “Why Don’t They Just Adopt Good Research Data Management Practices? An Exploration of Research Teams and Librarians’ Role in Facilitating RDM Adoption.” Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. 9(1): eP2321. DOI: http://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2321
Karaarslan Urhan, T., H.G. Rempel, L. Meunier-Goddik, and M.H. Penner. 2019. “Information Retrieval in Food Science II: Accounting for Relevance When Evaluating Database Performance.” Journal of Food Science. 84(10): 2729-2735. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31550403/
Karaarslan Urhan, T., H.G. Rempel, L. Meunier-Goddik, and M.H. Penner. 2018. “Information Retrieval in Food Science: A Bibliographic Database Analysis.” Journal of Food Science. 83(12):2912-2922. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30452780/
Rempel, H.G. and M. J. Markland. 2018. “Bridging the Relationship Gap: Using Social Network Theories to Inform Library Services for Graduate Students.” In the Library with the Lead Pipe. http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2018/bridging-the-relationship-gap/
Markland, M. J., H.G. Rempel, and L.M. Bridges. 2017. “Mobile Website Use and Advanced Researchers: Understanding Library Users at a University Marine Sciences Branch Campus.” Information Technology and Libraries 36 (4):7–23. https://doi.org/10.6017/ital.v36i4.9953
Rempel, H.G. and M.B. Robertshaw. 2017. “Supporting the Research Practices of Agricultural Scientists at Oregon State University.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Information. 18(2): 1-17.
Rempel, H.G. and A.M. Deitering. 2017. “Sparking Curiosity – Librarians’ Role in Encouraging Exploration.” In the Library with the Lead Pipe. http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2017/sparking-curiosity/
Rempel, H.G. and M. Mellinger. 2015. “Bibliographic Management Tool Adoption and Use: A Qualitative Research Study Using the UTAUT Model.” Reference and User Services Quarterly. 54(4): 43-53. https://doi.org/10.5860/rusq.54n4.43
Rempel, H.G., and L.M. Bridges. 2013. “That Was Then, This Is Now: Replacing the Mobile-Optimized Site with Responsive Design.” Information Technology and Libraries 32 (4): 8–24. doi:10.6017/ital.v32i4.4636. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/54608
Rempel, H.G., S. Buck, and A.M. Deitering. 2013. “Examining Student Research Choices and Processes in a Disintermediated Searching Environment.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy 13 (4): 363–384. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/43259
Deitering, A.M. and H.G. Rempel. 2012. Share and Share Alike: Barriers and Solutions to Tutorial Creation and Management. Communications in Information Literacy. 5(2): 102-116. http://www.comminfolit.org/index.php?journal=cil&page=article&op=view&path[]=v5i2p102
Rempel, H.G., U. Hussong-Christian and M.A. Mellinger. 2011. Graduate Student Space and Service Needs: A Recommendation for a Cross-Campus Solution. Journal of Academic Librarianship. 37(6): 480-487. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/22735
Rempel. H.G. 2010. A Longitudinal Assessment of Graduate Student Research Behavior and the Impact of Attending a Library Literature Review Workshop. College & Research Libraries. 71(6): 532-547. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/19492
Rempel, H.G. 2010. Services for Graduate Students: A Review of Academic Library Web Sites. Journal of Web Librarianship. 4(1):19-35. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/14675
Hussong-Christian, U., H.G. Rempel and A.M. Deitering. 2010. Rethink, Reuse, Recycle: The Library as Learning Commons. College and Undergraduate Libraries. 17(2):273-286. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/16736
Bridges, L.M., H.G. Rempel and K. Griggs. 2010. Making the Case for a Mobile Library Web Site. Reference Services Review. 38(2):309-320. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/16437
Rempel, H.G. and P. McMillen. 2008. Using Courseware Discussion Boards to Engage Graduate Students in Online Library Workshops. Internet and Reference Services Quarterly. 13(4):363-380. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/11037
Rempel, H.G. and J. Davidson. 2008. Providing Information Literacy Instruction to Graduate Students through Literature Review Workshops. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. Winter 53. http://www.istl.org/08-winter/refereed2.html
Rempel, Hannah G. and Maribeth Slebodnik. 2024. Creating Online Tutorials: A Practical Guide. 2nd edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York, NY.
Rempel, Hannah G. and Rachel Hamelers (editors). 2023. Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians (two volumes). ACRL Press. Chicago, IL.
Rempel, Hannah G., Kelly McElroy, and Laurie M. Bridges. 2017. Understanding Student Development: A Practical Guide. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York, NY.
Rempel, Hannah G. and Maribeth Slebodnik. 2015. Creating Online Tutorials: A Practical Guide. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York, NY.
Book Chapters
Deitering, A.M., H.G. Rempel, and T.T. Jensen. 2018. Reflective Information Literacy: Empowering Graduate Student Teachers. In Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students, edited by Crystal Renfro and Cheryl Stiles. ACRL, Chicago, IL.
(Invited) Bridges, L.M., H.G. Rempel, and E. Weinraub. 2013. Oregon State University Libraries Go Mobile. In Mobile Library Services: Best Practices. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, New York, NY.
Non-refereed Publications
Llebot Lorente, C. and H.G. Rempel. 2019. Give Them What They Want: Graduate Student Workshops Focused on Skills, Not Theory. ResearchDataQ. https://researchdataq.org/editorials/give-them-what-they-want-graduate-student-workshops-focused-on-skills-not-theory/
Damschen, K. and H.G. Rempel. 2019. Making Research Visible: A Competition for Graduate Students. College & Research Libraries News. 80(10). https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/24046
Rempel, H.G. 2017. Oregon State University Libraries' Web of Science vs. Scopus Qualitative Comparison. White Paper. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/61791
Rempel, H.G. and M.B. Robertshaw. 2016. Supporting the Research Practices of Agricultural Scientists: Oregon State University’s Ithaka Report. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/59997
Griggs, K., L.M. Bridges and H.G. Rempel. 2009. library/mobile: Tips on Designing and Developing Mobile Web Sites. Code4Lib Journal. Issue 8, 2009-11-23. http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/2055
Hussong-Christian, U., S. Kunda, and H.G. Rempel. 2009. By the People, For the People: The OSU Libraries Annual In-Service Day. College & Research Libraries News. 70(6):397-403. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/11985
Presentations at Professional Conferences
Lindsley, A., C. Llebot Lorente, and H.G. Rempel. Does Anyone Have Any Questions? Encouraging Question-Asking Behaviors in Online and In-Person Graduate Student and Faculty Workshops. 12 March 2024. Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference. Virtual. 65 attendees.
Nichols, J. and H.G. Rempel (presenting). How Instruction Librarians Continue Learning New Concepts and Skills Throughout Their Careers: Stories and Best Practices from North American Instruction Librarians. 10 October 2023. European Conference on Information Literacy. Krakow, Poland.
Rempel, H.G. Castles, Kolacky, and Concertos: A Librarian’s Experiences of Cultural Exchange in the Czech Republic. 22 April 2021. Oregon Library Association Conference. Virtual.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Faye Chadwell. Rock External Review Letters to Roll with the Best Practices (Round Table). 11 April 2019. Association of College & Research Libraries Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Anne-Marie Deitering. New Lenses, New Perspectives: Using Reflective Practice to Develop Meaningful Research Assignments. October 2018. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. Bergen, Norway.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Anne-Marie Deitering. (plenary session) Essential Tools for Building Learning Habits: Assumption Hunting, Reflection, and Critical Thinking. 12 May 2018. Oregon Information Literacy Summit. McMinnville, OR.
Markland, Mary (presenting) and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Creating Transformative Connections with Graduate Students Using a Social Capital Framework. 27 March 2018. Cyamus Meeting. La Jolla, CA.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Mary Markland. Creating Transformative Connections with Graduate Students Using a Social Capital Framework. 23 March 2018. Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference. Kennesaw, GA. 20 attendees.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho Cultivating Creating (Together). 28 October 2016. ACRL Oregon and Washington Fall Conference. Corbett, OR. 90 attendees [Keynote speaker, invited]
Markland, Mary (presenting), Hannah Gascho Rempel and Laurie Bridges. Library on the Go: Faculty and Graduate Students’ Use of Mobile Devices to Access Library Content. 19 October 2016. IAMSLIC. Merida, Mexico.
Deitering, Anne-Marie and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Inclusive Information Literacy: Empowering Classroom Faculty. 13 October 2016. European Conference on Information Literacy. Prague, Czech Republic.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Anne-Marie Deitering. How to Keep the Research Paper from Killing Curiosity. 10 October 2016. European Conference on Information Literacy. Prague, Czech Republic.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Elizabeth Berman. STS Research Forum Commentator. 25 June 2016. Annual Meeting of the American Library Association. Orlando, FL.
Rempel, H.G., M. Ryan, and E. Collier. Peer Review Behind the Scenes. 25 June 2016. STS Hot Topics Discussion at the Annual Meeting of the American Library Association. Orlando, FL.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho Jane Nichols, Allie Flanary, and Cat Finney. Thriving as a Mid-Career Librarian. 22 April 2016. Oregon Library Association. Bend, OR.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Anne-Marie Deitering. Curiosity @ Your Library. 22 April 2016. Oregon Library Association. Bend, OR.
Rempel, H.G., M. Cole, J. Tapper, B. Miyagishima, and S. Silver. Inside the Hiring Process. 21 April 2016. Oregon Library Association Conference. Bend, OR.
Deitering, Anne-Marie (presenting) and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Does the Research Paper Kill Curiosity? Collaborating with Faculty to Support Learning and Exploration. 22 March 2016. LILAC Conference. Dublin, Ireland.
McElroy, Kelly, Laurie Bridges, and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Let Your Love Open the Door to…Student Development Theories. 22 October 2015. ACRL-WA-OR Fall Conference. Pack Forest, WA.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Maribeth Slebodnik. Joining the Librarian-Writer Ecosystem - Developing a Sustainable Writing Practice (Round Table). 26 March 2015. ACRL. Portland, Oregon.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Anne-Marie Deitering. Marijuana Legalization Papers Getting You Down? You Won’t Believe What We Did About it. 24 July 2014. Library Instruction West. Portland, Oregon.
Bridges, Laurie and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Continual Assessment Leads the Way: Best Practices in Mobile Website Design and Maintenance. 29 May 2014. m-libraries. Hong Kong.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho Chad Iwertz and Anne-Marie Deitering. Harnessing the Web to Create an Environment that Supports Curiosity, Exploration and Learning. 14 February 2014. Online Northwest. Virtual Meeting.
Rempel, H.G. and Laurie Bridges. We Went Mobile, Now What? Invited members of panel. 29 June 2013. LITA Mobile Interest Group, American Libraries Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Laurie Bridges. Mobile Stats Are Not Enough: What Do Mobile Library Site Users Actually Do? 8 February 2013. Online Northwest. Corvallis, OR.
Bridges, Laurie and Hannah Gascho Rempel. “I would have done more” - Stepping back from usability testing to actual use of mobile library sites. 22 January 2013. LITA Mobile Computing Interest Group Virtual Meeting, ALA Midwinter Conference.
Buck, Stefanie, Anne-Marie Deitering and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Old Habits Are Hard to Break: Lessons Learned from a Mixed Methods Study. 4 May 2012. LOEX National Conference. Columbus, Ohio.
Hannah Gascho Rempel and Shirley Roberts. Meet Everyone, Everywhere: Using OLA’s Virtual Meeting Software. 27 April 2012. Oregon Library Association Conference. Bend, Oregon.
Stefanie Buck, Anne-Marie Deitering and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Old Habits Are Hard to Break: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Research Study. 10 February 2012. Online Northwest. Corvallis, Oregon. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/27841
Anne-Marie Deitering, Verletta Kern and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Many Hands/Light Work: Rethinking How We Help Our Users at Their Point of Need. 27 October 2011. Association of College & Research Libraries Oregon & Washington Conference. Pack Forest, Washington.
Anne-Marie Deitering and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Build It, Share It, Borrow It: Breaking Down the Barriers to Tutorial Creation. 2 June 2011. Workshop on Instruction in Library Use. Regina, Saskatchewan. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/21842
Anne-Marie Deitering and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Embedded Information Literacy at OSU. 29 April 2011. Oregon IL Summit. Portland, Oregon. 80 attendees. (Invited keynote speaker.)
Hannah Gascho Rempel, Uta Hussong-Christian and Margaret Mellinger. They Blinded Me with Science: Turning Qualitative Research Into Action. 8 April 2011 Oregon Library Association Conference. Salem, Oregon.
Hannah Gascho Rempel and Evviva Weinraub. Putting the Fun Back in Mobile Websites: Launching an OS Book Recommender. 9 January 2011. Library Information Technology Association (LITA) Mobile Computing Interest Group Meeting, American Library Association Midwinter Conference. San Diego, California.
Kim Griggs, Hannah Gascho Rempel, and Laurie Bridges. Library in Your Pocket. 5 February 2010. Online Northwest. Corvallis, Oregon.
Margaret Mellinger and Hannah Gascho Rempel. YouTube Meets OSU Libraries: A Video Contest for Students. 3 April 2009. Oregon Library Association Annual Conference. Salem, Oregon.
Hannah Gascho Rempel and Margaret Mellinger. Learning from Safeway and JetBlue – Libraries and Self-Service. 13 February 2009. Online Northwest. Corvallis, Oregon. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/11039
Hannah Gascho Rempel. Providing Information Literacy Instruction to Graduate Students at the Point of Need. 16 May 2008. Workshop on Instruction in Library Use (WILU). Kelowna, British Columbia.
Hannah Gascho Rempel. Providing Information Literacy Instruction to Graduate Students. 18 April 2008. Oregon Library Association & Washington Library Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, Washington. (http://www.nwcentral.org/?q=node/895)
Hannah Gascho Rempel, Kate Gronemyer and Laurie Bridges. Information Discovery for Librarians – Web 2.0 and infodoodads. 7 April 2008. Computers in Libraries. Arlington, Virginia.
Michael Baird, Hannah Gascho Rempel and Laurie Bridges. Information Discovery for Librarians – Keeping Up with Web 2.0. 22 February 2008. Online Northwest. Corvallis, Oregon. (http://hdl.handle.net/1957/8232)
Hannah Gascho Rempel. Information Literacy at the Point of Need – Literature Review Workshops. 8 November 2007. Konstanz Workshop on Information Literacy. Konstanz, Germany. (http://hdl.handle.net/1957/8231)
Meetings, Workshops and Professional Development Events
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Anne-Marie Deitering. Authenticity in Teaching and Learning: Crafting Experiences that Matter. 7 November 2017. Invited Half-Day Workshop for Faculty at Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Maribeth Slebodnik. Online Tutorials: Creating Them Easily and Effectively. ALA Ecourse (invited). February - March 2017.
Deitering, Anne-Marie and Hannah Gascho Rempel. Beyond the Research Paper: Creating Assignments that Spark Curiosity, Inquiry, and Critical Thinking. 24 February 2017. Invited All-Day Workshop for Faculty at Colorado Mountain College. Breckenridge, CO.
Rempel, Hannah Gascho. Citation Management. 5 December 2016. Research in Action Podcast. RIA #36. http://ecampus.oregonstate.edu/research/podcast/e36/
Rempel, Hannah Gascho and Maribeth Slebodnik. Online Tutorials: Creating Them Easily and Efficiently. ALA Ecourse (invited). March-April 2016.
(Invited instructor). Laurie Bridges, Hannah Gascho Rempel, and Kim Griggs. Services for Mobile Users: Introduction. 10 October 2010. Certified Medical Library Association Continuing Education Course conducted at the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Conference. Portland, Oregon.
Panel Discussions
(Invited / panelist) Rempel, H.G., L. Cabugos, C. Gill, S.Q. Thompson, J. Corry, V. Garza, M. Little. Leader’s Journey: Mentors Bridge the Gap. 19 April 2019. Oregon Library Association/Washington Library Association Conference. Vancounver, Washington.
(moderator) Rempel, H.G., A.M. Deitering, A. Coren, A. Jumonville Graf, and S. Otis. Reading Critically, Thinking Critically: Challenging Assumptions About the Role of Reading in Academic Research. 11 April 2019. Association of College and Research Libraries. Cleveland, Ohio.
(Invited / panelist) At the Heart of OLA: Member Participation. 26 April 2012. Member of Panel. Oregon Library Association Conference. Bend, Oregon.
(Invited / panelist) Librarians Can Help Me With That? Getting the Word Out About Your Reference and Instruction Services. Member of Panel. Oregon Library Association Annual Conference. 3 April 2009. Salem, Oregon.
American Library Association (2004-present)
Oregon Library Association (2004-present)
Editor, The Journal of Web Librarianship (2014 - 2019)