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Bachelor of Arts, Christian Ministry (Southwest Baptist University, Bolivar, MO - 2003)
Master of Arts, Church-State Studies (Baylor University, Waco, TX - 2009)
Book Review – The Trial of the Templars, 2nd ed. (Journal of Church and State, Summer 2007).
John Henry Newman and Martin Luther: Balancing Heart and Mind in Higher Education (Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies XXIII, October 2011), co-author, Dr. Charles McDaniel.
Around Butler (Charleston, South Carolina: Arcadia Publishing, 2013), co-author, Brian Phillips.
Book Review -- Academic Freedom and the Telos of the Catholic University (Journal of Church and State, Winter 2014).
"Suyo o suya: El arte de catalogar la historia" (InfoTecarios, September 25, 2019)
Charting Viae Mediae in Higher Education: Martin Luther and John Henry Newman on the Idea of a University (JIS Symposium 2010: "The Idea of a University: From John Henry Newman to the Multiversity and Beyond," Pasadena, CA), co-presenter, Dr. Charles McDaniel.
Distance and Dualogue: Rediscovering Discourse in the Age of Social Media (JIS Symposium 2015: "Freedom & Virtue: Re-Inventing Free Institutions in an Era of Globalization," Pasadena, CA).
Chair - OSULP Classified Staff Association (2020)
Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC) (2021-Present)